Hunger Blog - Page 22

Friday, Jan 19 2018

Until recently, Aileen rarely got to enjoy some of her favorite foods. A simple lunch – such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich – may have been out of reach for Aileen because her family simply...

Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.
Friday, Dec 15 2017
For millions of Americans, federal programs funded by our taxes provide the lifeline families need to afford to put food on the table and pay the rent.
Mike Miller headshot.
Thursday, Nov 9 2017
Michael Miller, President and CEO of River Bend Foodbank reflects on his time and experiences at the Iowa Hunger Summit.
Family making pie
Monday, Nov 6 2017
13 million children face hunger. Helping your family understand the reality of hunger – and how to help – is the perfect gateway to a more thankful Thanksgiving.