Denise and Maria's Story

Denise's Story


I wouldn’t wish what happened to us on my worst enemy. When the floods came to Baton Rouge, me and my neighbor, Maria were at home with our children. Maria has three and I have two. I’ll never forget the urgent calls to evacuate and the boats coming to our rescue. It was terrifying.

I lost everything in the floods. So did Maria. I didn’t think to save much when the water was rising so fast. I just wanted to save my children and get them to safety. So we left everything behind. Now, I’m living with family temporarily, but we have nothing. Most of my things, including my home itself, were ruined by the floods. I can’t depend on my family to provide for all our needs – they were already stretched thin and are helping others beyond me. It’s tough for all of us.

These past few weeks, I sometimes feel like the situation has only gotten worse. Hardly anything has been repaired and many of us are just waiting to see if we qualify for any disaster assistance. It almost seems like the world is forgetting about us because the water has receded, but the need is still very much here.

I thank God for the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank though. They are a light in this storm. Because of them, we have food, we have water and other necessary supplies. They have come straight to us – to the hardest hit areas – to make sure we’re doing okay. I’ve come here a couple of times since the storm hit. I don’t have transportation so I rely on Marie to drive me. Because of the food they provide, I don’t have to worry about finding meals for my family, and instead can focus my energy on trying to rebuild.

There’s a long road ahead of us. Right we’re just trying to take it day by day or it can easily become overwhelming. My first goal is to find stable housing for my family. In the meantime, I’m so grateful that the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank Is here not just for my family, but for everyone here in Southern Louisiana. We’ve taken a hard hit, but we’ll rise above. We always do.